Eye luv Inglesh. Reeli, its thu gratest langwedge in thu werld. Itz kwite pawsiblee thee ownlee langwedge in thu werld that, azz a rool, brakes awl thu roolz.
Pherst uv awl, wii hav sew menny wheys uv righting ehvry sownd inn hour langwedge that itt izz aymayzing aniwon kan spel korektli at awl! Thair arr no roolz phour spelling! Wii mite sae thair arr, butt wii brake themm sew ophten azz two meighk thoze roolz kumpleetly unyoozabel. And thenne, wii hav such crayzi gramatikal rools that Eye amn uhtterlly konvinssed inn thugh theery uv evvulooshunn, beekuzz ownli munkeys kood havv creeayted Inglesh. Uh klassik ekzample is two kumpair thu wirdz "awks" and "boks" - thu plerralz biing "awksen" and "bokses". Aux and bawks arr vary simmyler inn thu singyoolar fourm, sew wye arr theigh sew diphrent inn thu plerral fourm? It duzzent meighk enny cents.
Butt thats Inglesh four ewe. Itz just eyeronnik that thee langwedge thu hole werld izz treyeing two lern happinz two bee thu won that izz leest sooted two thu tasc. Phiggers.
Undrstandiblee, spel chek izz havving a feeld dey with thiss, and mie breighn kynda hertz frum righting thiss whey. Eye theenk eye amn goeing two lye doun phour a wyle.
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