Friday, December 21, 2007

EZ Cheeze and Pocket Change

I talked to someone from the Utah National Guard today. That was pretty cool. Got all my questions answered. Questions like "When I go into Military Intelligence I can be like James Bond, right?" and "So you guys are, like, going to pay for everything for the rest of my life, right?"... Well, that was an eye opening experience. I found out that James Bond is actually British. No dice there. He didn't say anything to the second question so I think that's a yes. So overall it seems like a pretty good gig. I'm just a little hurt that I can't join MI6.

On a completely unrelated and somewhat random note: Ocean's 11 has got to be one of the greatest movies ever made. I wish I had Jazz music playing in the background of my life. Then everything I did would seem that much cooler. Imagine if I had cool Ocean's 11 background music and the movie guy with the super deep voice narrating... whoa.

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